Sympathy is recognizing someone's situation.
Empathy is understanding someone's situation.
There's a subtle difference here.
Sympathy is everywhere.
Empathy is hard to find.
You need empathy if you want to be a good
marketer or salesperson.
You need to "walk a mile in their shoes," as the saying goes. That's empathy.
Now, I'm always saying the point of your marketing is to simply make people realize...
... that you get them from Point A to Point B, in the best possible way.
In fact, if you do it right, you'll say this in such a way that all other alternatives become
And how do you do this?
By focusing on empathy, and being empathetic.
But here's the thing you might be asking yourself: I haven't walked a mile in their shoes, so, how can I empathize with them?
Well, you use market research instead.
Because once you've done enough research, you'll come to understand that while individuals think they have radically
different problems from everyone else, in reality, the core reasons they're at Point A and not Point B are universally similar to everyone else in that same situation.
So, by actually talking to your past clients and customers and discovering what was happening at Point A, you'll be able to quickly and easily understand what is most likely going on with all your new potential customers.
And, if you can reveal your prospects hidden desires,
fears, and anxieties when they're seeing your marketing, they'll know you understand them and what they're going through.
Because now you're using empathy, and it's powerful.
It's at this point you mention that you know a way to get them to Point B.
And, thankfully, it's the thing you offer.