It's an amazing place and I found it interesting how so much of it is still standing today.
Which prompted me to do some research and get a better idea of how these buildings are still up and relatively intact.
This is when I stumbled upon a method of construction the Incas used to make the citadel, known as 'dry ashlar'.
Basically, the stones are so well cut and placed that mortar isn't needed to make the structure stable. It's the finest form of masonry, so I'm led to believe.
And to a layman, I'd have to agree. Those stones are work of true craftsmen and I've never seen anything like it before.
You can't fit a piece of paper between the cracks (if you can even find any) even after 6 centuries.
Another weird thing about the buildings at Machu Picchu were that all the walls angle in ever so slightly, so there's not a right angle in sight.
But they didn't 'decide' on using dry ashlar construction just to prove how good they were at using stone, there's practical reasons behind it.
You see, during earthquakes, of which there are MANY in the area each year, ashlar construction somewhat 'secures' itself with the other blocks beside it, getting tighter and stronger as the earthquake's vibrations wiggle and jiggle everything into place...
... as opposed to those same vibrations making anything built with traditional brick and mortar looser and weaker. (Something the conquistadors were to discover later on.)
And because the walls angle in, if there was any movement, it acted to "lock" the structure together even further! (Think of when rifles are stacked into tripods and you'll get the gist, with each rifle propping the other up perfectly).
It's ingenious!
Now, the reason I mention Inca ashlar is: one, it's super interesting and two, because I want to make a tenuous business analogy.
Here it is: like dry ashlar, your business needs a similar, ingenious system in place that's functional and built to last.
Something strong and secure and can 'catch' itself from falling apart when shit hits the fan (a business 'earthquake' if you'll permit me straining this example even further).
And, lucky for you, I'm working on just a system right now.
It's not quite ready yet... but over the next few weeks you'll be introduced to it as I iron out the kinks.
I've specifically made this system with two groups of people in mind:
- SOLOPRENEURS: Experts, consultants, freelancers, professional service providers, authors, speakers and the like.
- TARGETED BUSINESSES: Any business with a highly niched product or service for a specific buyer
Doesn't matter if you're completely new to this or you've been helping people for decades, this should work for both and any experience level in between.
If you're in any of the two camps above and want to know more about the complete business system I'm alluding to here, reply to this email now with "24/7SM".
I'm actively looking for 5-10 people in the next few months who can provide feedback in exchange for a large, never to be repeated discount on the system itself.
So, if you're interested in learning more, and fit into one of the two groups above, just reply with "24/7SM" in the message and I'll get back to you to see if it'd be a good fit.