Time to read: 2 mins 20 seconds
Getting the right information to the right person at the right time is largely what successful marketing is about.
This is commonly known as "message to market match".
However, having one of these parts wrong quickly causes problems with your marketing success and effectiveness.
I often see mismatched messaging from experts with technical skill sets, such as physiotherapists, engineers, copywriters etc.
Take a frustrated copywriter I was speaking with a few months ago.
He was writing theory-based posts on Facebook that was interesting to other copywriters, forgetting that his ideal audience was business owners.
His ideal audience doesn't want to know how to write good copy, they just want to know who can write good copy for them.
This created a mismatch in his messaging.
Unnoticed Shifts In Your Positioning
Create enough of this mismatched content and you'll start affecting your positioning with the marketplace.
You'll attract the wrong audience who'll want things you don't offer.
And that's exactly what happened to this copywriter.
Suddenly he's asked if he offered mentorship and coaching services instead of copy jobs because he was putting out content that appealed to people who wanted to learn about copy NOT hire copywriters.
A Subtle Distinction
It's easy thinking that a display of your knowledge also acts as a signal that you're the ideal candidate.
But, it's somewhat wrong.
Because a demonstration of how you apply that knowledge is how you best signal that you're the right person for the job.
So, content like:
- case studies
- testimonials
- use case reports
- 'behind the scenes' of your work with clients
- critiques
... and things of that nature would be the content you're looking for.
Which is why it's important you have a well-defined positioning statement to help you build your content marketing strategy and avoid attracting leads you don't want.
And that's exactly what I helped this copywriter with.
After hearing his problem, together we went through the 9 Revenue Raisers framework.
Revenue Raiser 3: Perfect positioning identified niche Facebook groups where there are no other copywriters to compete with, creating his own 'blue ocean' to swim in.
And Revenue Raiser 5: Timely info shifted his content focus so he could start attracting his ideal leads rather than the duds he was currently getting.
Attract Your Ideal Audience
If you know who you're helping and why you help them, you can create content that compels your ideal audience to reach out and ask for more information or to make the sale.
So, unless you're selling the 'education' of the thing you do, you're messaging should focus on the 'utilisation' of it instead.
- Education - "How to write high converting email copy"
- vs. Utilisation - "Why every retailer needs an evergreen email sequence"
- Education - "How to set up your trade display for optimal sales activation"
- vs. Utilisation - "What the best sales activation trade displays all have in common"
So, no matter where you're posting content (emails, social media, your blog) make sure you've got the right message to market match if you want to attract your ideal audience and avoid time-wasting leads.