Time to read: 1 minutes 50 seconds
I'm not a big celebrator of birthdays - to me it's just another Thursday - but I do enjoy other people getting excited on my behalf, so that's a nice aspect of the whole thing.
Today's email will be short, as I'm writing this while waiting for a somewhat boozy champagne brunch to begin in my backyard before spending the day doing some gardening - and, because Thursday is when I write these emails (refer to point 1).
So, with that said, here's a short list of things I've been thinking about lately.
A Short List of 14 Thoughts
- Consistency beats intensity - rather than short bursts of high activity, consistent, moderate daily activity is better
- It's never a 'zero-sum' game unless you make it so - there's always a 'plus' for both parties if you consider something from all angles
- Big money comes from big value - the most successful businesses I'm working with lead with value first
- People buy from people - for SME's, this is something your success will live or die by
- Clarity in thinking = clarity in messaging - I know I've done my research when I can explain the complex, simply
- Always keep your promises - never break someone's trust in you
- Think long term - build assets, strengthen relationships, plan ahead; assume you'll reap what you sow years from now
- Have fun - stress isn't sustainable; enjoy your work and you'll do more of it, better, without realising
- Focus - remove distractions when you're working; remove work when you're relaxing
- Read more - more, varied inputs = better, creative outputs
- Kaizen - Japanese for 'change for better'; continuous improvement in all aspects of my life
- Pop bubbles - actively search out contrarian opinions and make your own judgements; form your own opinions and break from 'group think'
- Relax - an hour a day contemplating, meditating, can and should be done by everyone
- Have a 'why' - because 'money' isn't a good one that keeps you 'fired up'
That's it. Not ground breaking, but it's what I'm thinking about most at the moment.
I hope everyone enjoys their day, and speak again next week!