Time to read: 2 minutes 16 seconds
There's an important lesson after this first section, so please read to the heading 'A Meta-Lesson".
I'm in the process of creating a report for the 9 Revenue Raisers, my new marketing system and framework I'll be focussing on next year.
So I can publish it faster, and get feedback earlier, I'll be releasing it serially; as soon as I've finished writing a section.
One section, the overview of what the 9RR actually is, how it works, and who it's for, has just been published, which you can read below:
Here's a quick summary:
"The 9 Revenue Raisers is a modular marketing system that helps build marketing-driven businesses. They system works as an amplifier, increasing the results of all your marketing activities.
... by applying all 9 of the Revenue Raiser modules in the right order, you'll have a complete, cohesive marketing system that runs largely automatically to bring you new leads."
A Meta-Lesson
There's a meta-lesson here, a nugget of learning from this example. I'm not waiting for my new offer to be finished before I market it. In fact, I have 5 new clients enrolled into various modules of the 9RR before I'd even written this overview article.
So, not only is it still incomplete, I'm also taking my audience along with me as I build it - which includes you.
This helps me in two powerful ways:
- Assessing a successful offer
If I'd have had no interest, I wouldn't have continued creating the 9RR. It's that simple. If I can't get my past clients and subscribers interested, what chance do I have of interesting complete strangers? This saves me from investing resources into a 'dud' offer.
- Building an 'aware' audience
Because I'm drip feeding the 9RR theory and terminology over time to my audience, by the time it's completed, I'll have a group of people who know everything about it. If I were to do it the 'normal' way, no one would actually understand or remember the system or terminology. Either that, or I risk information overload and they switch off.
To illustrate this, here's an example:
Last week I received two emails from subscribers. Both specifically mentioned an individual Revenue Raiser module they were interested in and asked whether it would be possible to join the pilot case study program.
They've self-assessed, self-qualified, and then self-converted without having read anything apart from these emails.
(This is also an example of 'RR5: Timely Info for Timely Sales' in action...)
If I'd done it the 'normal' way, it'd be several months before anything reached the public. But this way, I've already gotten a handful of clients and more to come.
So, what's stopping you from doing the same if you've got an offer 'in the works' right now?