Time to read: 1 minutes 47 seconds
Last week, Facebook removed news from it's platform for Australian users.
This resulted in the overnight 'wipe out' of thousands of Facebook pages.
Many of these pages weren't news by the public's definition of the term.
But by the Australian government's all-encompassing definition in the poorly worded Media Bargain Code legislation, it arguably was.
Several of my clients had their pages effectively 'wiped' of all content overnight, and we scrambled to re-syndicate scheduled content out to other platforms.
Not the biggest problem.
We caught it quickly and I kind of thought something like this may happen, having followed it since last year.
But what if those businesses didn't have a diversified media mix?
They'd be in trouble, to put it simply.
Do you have platforms you control in case another media platform does somethng similar?
I do.
I'm using my preffered platform right now to reach you directly: email.
Email was also the platform I used to help my affected clients reach their customers and direct them to their other social media accounts and their website.
Facebook has brokered a deal with the Australian government as of today and news is returning - that's good.
But what this has highlighted is that it's too risky for a business not to control it's own database and not have it's own platform to communicate with those on that database.
If you're yet to collect leads; put them into a database; or have a systemised email system, you need to have one now.
For over 10 years I've been helping businesses do just this.
I've been quiet over the past 10 months as I rejigged a few offers and adapted to the COVID work environment, but last week was too big of a shift to not say anything to all of you.
So, if you value the independance of your business and the ongoing privelege of autonomy and free speech with your audience, you need to have at LEAST these three things working in tandem:
- a lead collection method
- a database
- a systemised email system
I can help you with all three, right now.
Just reply to this email to let me know your current situation and we'll talk through it.