JCS 42 - Digest 😎 (3 mins 30)
Published: Wed, 03/11/20
Digest Time Time to read: 3 minutes 30 seconds Here's something new, a digest of things I've posted on LinkedIn recently. CONSISTENCY Anthony Trollope…
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Published: Wed, 03/11/20
Digest Time Time to read: 3 minutes 30 seconds Here's something new, a digest of things I've posted on LinkedIn recently. CONSISTENCY Anthony Trollope…
Published: Mon, 03/09/20
The Ol' Razzle Dazzle Time to read: 6 minutes 48 seconds So, last week I mentioned I would continue on about how I got my old bo ing gym going. It's…
Published: Mon, 03/02/20
Feedback Time to read: 4 minutes 20 seconds In my last email, I wrote about the steps I'd take to transform a Muay Thai gym from 'me too' to 'must…
Published: Wed, 02/26/20
A need to be different Time to read: 5 minutes So, as I mentioned in my last email, I'm currently in Thailand. One of the things I've decided to do…
Published: Mon, 02/24/20
Not the start to 2020 I had planned ... Time to read: 3 minutes A LOT has happened since my last email... I'm currently in Thailand at our new beach…
Published: Thu, 09/12/19
What I'm working on and why. The Ne t 5 Years Time to read: 2 minutes 38 seconds You may have noticed some radio silence from me lately, and there's…
Published: Mon, 09/09/19
A Portfolio of Offers Time to read: 3 minutes 28 seconds A portfolio of offers. That's what I'm starting to think all businesses really are at their…
Published: Mon, 09/02/19
The real reason people get stuck... What's the ne t step? Time to read: 4 minutes 15 seconds When people don't know the ne t step they need to take,…
Published: Mon, 08/05/19
Here's the presentation I did at John Dwyer's Masterclass over the weekend. Email Marketing Automation Done Right On Saturday, I spoke at John Dwyer's…
Published: Wed, 07/31/19
If you have a database, make these 3 email sequences a priority. Got a List? Time to read: 3 minutes Here's a quick one for business owners with a…